Role of healing in Covid patients

Role of healing in-covid patients In Delhi Ncr

With increasing cases of Covid, a different kind of panic and fear is created amongst people. As this deadly virus has changed its effect and is getting mutated everyday in a different form, it is becoming different for even doctors to handle the situation. I am here talking about how healing can help in this situation.
First of all we need to understand that Healing doesn't interfere with contemporary medicine. In fact healing helps in quick recovery of any ailment. We are aware that we have electromagnetic field around our body. When this field is distorted or broken, physical body gets effected. We call this field as "Aura" in spiritual language. So when we work on the energy field of the body, it starts to recover. Even medicines start working.
Now, when it comes to covid patients, first we need to know what is actually happening to them. The first and foremost thing is a covid patient faces is fear and panic. Fear of losing one's life, fear of leaving their family behind, fear of living alone in a confined room for a set period of time. Through spiritual/energy healing, we can get rid of a person's fears and trauma and make him/her mentally strong so that he/she gets enough will power to fight with the ailment. Secondly, healing can help fighting pains. It helps in easing out pains and post recovery of patients to regain their strength and it so ends up recovery time.
Now the question is how?
There are so many parasites, negative energies that are normally hidden from human eye and which creates hindrance in recovery of any illness. When we talk about the deadly covid virus, healing works beautifully on that, as its effect can be nullified only by healing. Cleansing the energy body daily helps in cleansing the disease also from body. Every human body has an ability to heal itself without any external help. Healing accelerates the self healing process of body and body starts recovering itself.
Along with that we can burn Neem leaves, guggal, Kapoor etc as they help in burning germs in the air. Playing singing bowls also helps in creating vibrations that again aligns the body and mind and kill germs in the air. So if you or your near ones are suffering from such situation, feel free to take help of any healer.

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