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Home Past life Regression

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Past life Regression

Past life regression

Past life Regression Therapy

As a practitioner specializing in past life healing, my role involves guiding individuals into a deep state of relaxation through guided meditation. During this altered state of consciousness, they explore memories or impressions from their supposed past lives. These memories can manifest as vivid images, intense emotions, or even physical sensations. The underlying belief is in reincarnation—the idea that the soul transitions from one body to another across lifetimes. While past life regression remains scientifically controversial, many find value in it as a tool for self-discovery, introspection, and gaining a broader understanding of existence. Whether one interprets these experiences metaphorically or literally, exploring past lives sparks curiosity and wonder.

In my spiritual journey, I’ve come to understand that many of life’s challenges have roots in our past lives. By cultivating self-awareness, we can address these issues. When we recognize that events—both positive and negative—are linked to our karmic actions, a path toward healing emerges.Here at Theosophy by Dr Kajal Mugrai, we offer a space negative karma energy can be transformed into positive energy. The choice to break free from karmic bonds lies with each individual.